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HomeBusinessDo You Need SR22 Insurance?

Do You Need SR22 Insurance?

If a person lives in California and makes the mistake of driving under the influence, reckless driving, driving on a suspended license, or driving without insurance, there is a huge price to pay. Having a driver’s license suspended for four months or more may seem harsh. But that is only the beginning. To get that driver’s license reinstated, a driver must have an insurance company file a form SR22 for them. This is expensive insurance added on to a regular policy.

The Real Costs of Traffic Violations That Require SR22 Insurance

The Real Costs of Traffic Violations That Require SR22 Insurance

It may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but making bad driving decisions can impact a driver’s life for ten years or more. When a driver makes one or more of the following mistakes.

  • Driving under the influence
  • Getting a ticket and conviction for reckless driving
  • Driving with a suspended driver’s license
  • Driving without insurance coverage
  • Being in an accident while guilty of the above offenses
  • Getting too many traffic tickets in a short amount of time

These are dangerous mistakes to make, and they can have serious consequences. Making these mistakes more than once is even worse. It is time to make good life changes and to start obeying the law at all times. But, in the meantime, the driver’s license will be revoked for at least four months, depending on the seriousness of the offense. That means no driving at all during that time.

Then, to get that driver’s license reinstated, a driver must find an insurance company willing to sell them car insurance with a form SR22 added. This is very expensive insurance and will be required for at least three years. The driver needs to get free quotes from a good insurance agent to get the least expensive policy. The person looking for SR22 insurance will find that all policies are far more expensive than the car insurance they had before.

Often, the person getting those serious tickets will be dropped by their regular insurance company. They will need an insurance agent who represents insurance companies that handle those expensive types of insurance. Price is not the only factor to consider. A person needs the best coverage for the premium price.

Then, the driver loses their “good driver” status for up to ten years. When the SR22 form is no longer needed, insurance will still cost more than before. It might be an advantage to seek legal help to deal with DUI or other serious offenses. This is an added cost but can reduce the total impact.

What is SR-22 Insurance?

SR-22 is a form that must be added to a car insurance policy and registered with the state. It proves the driver has purchased the minimum liability insurance required in the state the driver is in. This form and the insurance company issuing it assures the state motor vehicle department that the driver will maintain this coverage for a stated period of time. If the driver drops the insurance, the company will notify the state. Then the state will go after the driver and revoke or suspend their driver’s license.

This insurance is expensive because the driver is now rated as high-risk. The insurance company might require the driver to pay either 6 months or 12 months’ premiums in advance. This insurance is often required for three years. While under this special insurance, it is important to avoid getting any traffic tickets.

Getting Off SR-22 Insurance

A person will need to carry this special high-risk insurance for the stated amount of time. At that time, the person needs to contact their local DMV office and find out if the required time has passed. Then with their permission, the driver would contact their insurance company to request the SR-22 form be removed from their policy. The remaining car insurance policy will still be more expensive than insurance was before the offenses happened.

Apart from this if you are interested to know about The Complete Guide That Makes Reducing Business Risks Simple visit our Business category.



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