Home Travel Facts And Misconceptions About Umrah Journey In Month of Safar

Facts And Misconceptions About Umrah Journey In Month of Safar

Facts And Misconceptions About Umrah Journey

The Muslims and all followers of Islam follow the lunar calendar which consists of 12 months. Each month has its importance which is due to events associated with the months. Among these twelve Hijri months, there is a month of Safar which has its values and importance for the Muslim Ummah. When we talk about the performance of the Umrah journey this month, people associate some misconceptions with this month. All of these misconceptions are based on wrong concepts. People have a wrong concept that we cannot perform the Umrah journey in the month of Safar but it is a wrong belief of misguided people.

If we look at the history of Islamic culture then the month of Safar is associated with the pre-Islamic era. During this month people used to empty their houses and went out to gather food. But it is a wrong concept that you cannot perform the Umrah journey this month. 7 continents travel has Easter Umrah packages for you. With these packages, you can perform Umrah Easter 2023. These deals are best for you due to their reasonable and affordable prices. Now you can perform the Umrah journey at a very less cost with 7-continents travel.

Islamic Events In The Month Of Safar

Many important events are associated with the months of Safar. We must know these events if we are planning to perform Umrah Journey in the month of Safar. Many of the greatest events related to our beloved Holy Prophet PBUH occurred in the month of Safar. Due to this reason, this month has great importance in the history of Islam. Let us discuss the events of Safar related to our beloved Holy Prophet PBUH.

  • Safar is the month in which Holy Prophet PBUH Performed his migration from Mecca to Madinah. It is the most important event related to the month of Safar.
  • Holy Prophet PBUH also fell ill in the month of Safar
  • Another important event happened in the month of Safar which has great importance in Islam. It is the marriage of the daughter of our beloved Holy Prophet PBUH, Hazrat Fatima R.A with Hazrat Ali R.A
  • The martyrdom of Hasan Ibn Ali and the grandson of the holy Prophet PBUH also took place this month.

Due to these events, the month of Safar has great value and importance among all Islamic months. Hence, it will be a great chance for you to perform Umrah this month. You will receive the blessings of Allah Almighty when you perform the Umrah journey this month. So, it is the best time to perform the Umrah journey.

Performance Of Umrah Journey In The Month Of Safar

Umrah’s Journey requires utmost devotion to worship and praise the Creator of all worlds, Allah Almighty. You can perform the Umrah journey in the month of Safar. This sacred pilgrimage in the month of Safar offers great convenience for you. Among all Islamic months, this month has the second most grand importance. If you want to select any month for the performance of the Umrah journey, then after Ramadan, the consideration comes towards this month.

You can perform Umrah conveniently due to lesser people in Haram. Due to fewer people, you can perform the rituals for the Umrah journey more comfortably. The kissing of Black Stone becomes easy when there are fewer people in the Holy Kaaba. So, Perform Umrah in Safar by getting deals on Easter Umrah 2023.

Misconceptions About The Month Of Safar

People have attached many misconceptions to this month. Many dreadful events occurred in the month of Safar. That’s why people consider it an inauspicious month. But we cannot make any sense of it. Islamic scholars make it clear by saying that none of the dreadful events is this month. All the happenings were because of the will of Allah Almighty. Hence, we cannot say that Safar is the month of evils.

All of the superstitions are created by people themselves. Most people are afraid of the organization of their wedding this month. But we should think that it was the month of the wedding of Hazrat Fatima R.A, then why we cannot organize weddings in this month? In addition, some people think that the first thirteen days are with evil spirits and sickness. But there is no base for truth in these misconceptions. So we cannot believe these false notions.


In short, we should believe in the misconceptions created by people for the month of Safar. These are given rise to by misguided people. Many of the holy events are associated with the month of Safar. Any of the bad events and evil spirits have no connection with this month. Allah Almighty has not considered this month as an inauspicious month. So, we should not associate any bad thing with this month. 7 Continents Travel Pvt Ltd has deals for Easter Umrah 2023 for you.

Apart from this if you are interested to know Facts And Misconceptions About Umrah Journey In Month of Safar then visit our  Travel category.



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