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HomeBusinessTips to Make Sure your Customers and Clients Remember You

Tips to Make Sure your Customers and Clients Remember You

For any business owner, customer loyalty is one of the most important pillars on which their business stands.

In fact, about 54.7% of customers are loyal to less than five brands.

If your customers feel your brand is trustworthy and honest, they will return repeatedly.

But it takes time to build customer trust, and it involves a lot of different tips and tricks to make them remember you.

In this article, we’ll tell you some of the best ways to increase your client base and make your brand a household name!

1. Give your full attention to customers

Even though it might be tiring to constantly reply to customer reviews and emails, you shouldn’t take it lightly.

If you get even one bad review, it could be a put-off for many other potential customers.

So even if you get a customer query at the end of the day, respond to it as you’d respond to the first customer of the day.

Make sure your reply isn’t rude or too short. Instead, address their query and assure them that your company will take care of the problem as soon as possible.

2. Thank them often

Another useful tip to ensure your existing customers keep returning is to thank them.

Don’t overdo it and thank them every other day, but ensure your customers know they are appreciated.

For example, after every purchase, email them your appreciation and gratitude.

Or when customers reach a certain loyalty level, offer them a special discount and a note explaining how much their loyalty means to your business.

3. Hand out business cards

If you’re looking for ways to increase your customer base, handing out business cards is an effective way to do it.

However, most paper-based business cards are discarded or forgotten within a few days.

If you want to make your cards stand out, then spend a little extra and go for metal digital business cards.

Not only will they save you the hassle of printing tons of cards, but you can easily add a QR code to the card and make it look stylish and unique.

4. Have a well-crafted website

No matter how great your products are, your customers won’t be pleased if your website is sloppy or difficult to browse through.

To make sure that your clients remember your brand, you need to set up a visually-stunning website.

Invest in interactive features, such as an automated chatbot or spin-the-wheel offers. The website’s color palette should reflect your brand and its logo. The font should be simple and clearly legible for viewers.

5. Remind them of special events

If you have repeat business, it’s a good idea to let your clients know that you’re thinking of them, especially when they are about to celebrate an event.

For example, you can keep tabs on a client’s birthday by asking them to insert their birth date on your website.

Then, on their birthday or anniversary morning, send them a special email or message wishing them good things.

This way, your clients will feel valued and realize you intend to provide a personal touch.

6. Set up social media accounts

Small businesses are increasingly creating their presence on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and your business should be no different.

However, you must ensure your social media content is creative and worth remembering.

Put up aesthetically-pleasing videos or reels and explain to your customers why they should buy products from you. Add a funny personal story or an experience to make your customers remember your brand.

7. Work on the feedback

When you tell your customers you’re working on their complaints, don’t just make it an empty promise. You must make sure that the customer’s grievances are resolved.

This will show them that their complaints are being heard and respected, and your company will also get more positive reviews.

After you fix their issue, tell them through a message or email that you have truly noticed their problems. This will make you stand out among other brands.

Over to you…

These tips might not seem like much, but they are the foundation for building a base of loyal and strong customers.

If you follow these tricks, you can be sure that within a short period of time, your business will start booming with sales!

Apart from this article if you want to know more about NORSTRAT: In-Depth Overview of Best Consulting Company then please visit our Business category.



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